On Raising Pigs

Above – A cool day at pigland, on Squirrel Eating Jon’s place

In the old days, people just quietly raised pigs and got on with it. The interesting stuff – feuding, bootlegging, playing the banjo, whittling a possum figurine from basswood, beating-up their cousin.

Today, people can’t just raise pigs quietly. It’s all this, “Look at MEEEEEEE raising these P-I-I-I-I-I-GS!!!!!” It becomes their entire identity.

It’s just pigs.

It’s the whole point of raising a pig. To get on with other things. Not to make one more fetish of it like you do with waxing your body hair and detailing your truck and putting on all that lycra just to ride your bicycle. Autoclaving your armpits, taking your third shower of the day, making a chair that isn’t even a rocking chair and then rocking rocking rocking rocking rocking…

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