Deer Season 2022 in Summary

Above we see one of the bucks he was hoping to best this season. Elk season opened a week before the season for whitetailed deer. Squirrel-Eating Jon (SEJ) hunted parcels of private land close to home for these big, tough deer, the New World counterpart of the Red Stag back in his ancestral lands. HeContinue reading “Deer Season 2022 in Summary”

Deer Season 2022 Opens

Deer season 2022 is entering its fourth day this morning. Squirrel-Eating Jon – the man whom eating nothing but squirrels matured to a full-mediocrity – has been out every day. Conditions for hunting deer were superb the first two days, snowing, blowing, the thermometer dropping. He stuck closer to home cos the roads were treacherousContinue reading “Deer Season 2022 Opens”

A Nice Pre-season Trophy

With elk season just a week away and whitetail season following a week after that and black bear season already well underway, Squirrel-Eating Jon has been roving the high west like a Plotthound on the trail of a catamount. Hunting, scouting, expectorating the remnants of the covid plague he had picked-up on a rare tripContinue reading “A Nice Pre-season Trophy”

Carry Enough Gun – Refining a .375 Holland & Holland Chambered Rifle

Above – a selection of fine vintage Rigby magazine rifles. This one will appeal to fans of fine arms who like to be prepared. The boyscout in you. As well perhaps to handipeople who like to fashion things with fine wood. Experts will tell you that if you spend time skulking about in grizzly countryContinue reading “Carry Enough Gun – Refining a .375 Holland & Holland Chambered Rifle”

Education of a Snake Hunter – Chapter Four

Memory conspires against nature.  The forgetting can begin in the instant that a change takes place…             –  J.B. MacKinnon It was now the 1980’s.  Educators were giving us a more sober, and more realistic message.  Towards the end of high school we were told we would be the first generation that, on average, wouldContinue reading “Education of a Snake Hunter – Chapter Four”

Hunting the Dakota Whitetail – 2021 Season

Like many deer hunters who wish to be successful at their game, Squirrel-Eating Jon likes to do scouting pre and during season. And afterwards as well, to see who made it through. Locally, this entails repurposing a couple of the cameras he had in use keeping tabs on the neighborhood grizzly bears for use atContinue reading “Hunting the Dakota Whitetail – 2021 Season”

Eating Squirrels Part Two

Fast forward to the high plains of Alberta. A brief account of the legendary archetypal predecessor to generations of later squirrel-eaters erupting on the scene before subsiding into legend being the preamble here. John “Gopher John” Fersden who roamed the huge spaces surrounding the town of Gleichen, once hub of that section of the plains.Continue reading “Eating Squirrels Part Two”

Deer Season 2020. The Big Woods Bucks that Got Away

Some of the big Dakotaensis bucks out here are fully 200 times the size of a squirrel. Whitetail season in his part of Alberta lasts but a month. The ungulates are doing very well here as in many places, but this is about as much hunting pressure as they can take regardless relative to theContinue reading “Deer Season 2020. The Big Woods Bucks that Got Away”

Eating Squirrels Part One

Grey and black phases of the Eastern grey squirrel, above. Louis Agassiz Fuertes art. Squirrel-Eating Jon killed his first squirrel with a slingshot in his single-digit years. The instinct was there, as was some skill, but the knowledge of what to with the animal in death was not. He left it in the woods. TheContinue reading “Eating Squirrels Part One”